Docker 102 - Docker with Java Spring and Maven

In this article, we’ll learn how to create a Docker image of a Spring Boot application, using Dockerfile and Maven, and then run the image we’ve created.

Docker Guide (6 Part Series)

  1. Docker Containers
  2. Docker Images
  3. Docker Layers
  4. Docker with Java Spring and Maven
  5. Understand Dockerfile Volume
  6. Docker Builder Containers


The basic concepts of Docker are Images and Containers:

There are other concepts to know about :

Generate a Spring App

Let’s start with a skeleton project from Spring Initializr. Then, select your preferred version of Spring Boot, and add the “Web” dependency. Generate it as a Maven project and you’re all set!

The project comes with a simple controller and a single GET mapping:

public class DemoController {

  public String greeting(@PathVariable String name) {
    return "Hi!! " + name;

We use the next command from the project root folder to run the app:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

Or we can do:

$ mvn clean package && java -jar target/*.jar

As usual, the application will be running on port 8080.

$ curl localhost:8080/greet/ali
Hi!! ali

Dockerize with Dockerfile

As seen in the last articles we can create images with Dockerfile.

Dockerfile is a simple text file a contains a list of commands to instruct Docker to build a proper image for your application.

The basic and most instructions to be used in a Dockerfiles are:

More documentation can be found on the Dockerfile page.

Our Dockerfile will be as next:

FROM java:8-jdk-alpine
COPY ./target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/app/
WORKDIR /usr/app
RUN sh -c 'touch demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar' # optional
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]

Let’s take a look at the commands and fully understand them before proceeding:

Let’s build the image using this Dockerfile:

$ docker build -t app .

We gave it a name with the -t flag app .

Let’s check the built image:

$ docker images

And finally, let’s run the container with this image:

$ docker run -p 8090:8080 app

We used -p flag to map the port of the host 8090 and the port inside the container 8080.

Now, we can access the endpoint on localhost:8090/greet/ali

Our Spring Boot application is successfully running within a Docker container!

Dockerize with Maven

The process in the last section is manual and need us to run a couple of commands in the terminal. We can create a script to do this in one shot but we’ll need to provide a script for each operating system and rename the jar file after each new release. So it would be better if we could make this process a part of a Maven life-cycle so that we can build jar and Docker images in one step which can be useful for CI/CD pipelines.

Hopefully, there are several maven plugins to be used in the pom.xml file and make this task easy. Using this approach, there’s no need to manually update the Dockerfile, nor run commands in the terminal.

We will use the fabric8io/docker-maven-plugin.

Let’s add the plugin in the build tag under profiles. By using the profiles, we can keep running the Maven build commands without installing Docker on the machine:


The profile is named docker so if we have to build the image using Maven, we should run the command with -Ddocker flag.

This part of XML is similar to the content of the Dockerfile but written in XML and some custom variables:


The <name> tag specifies the name of the image, which is the artifactId and will be translated to demo.

The <args> tags specify how the image should run like ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile.

Now let’s build the image:

$ mvn clean install -Ddocker

Let’s check the built image:

$ docker images

And finally, let’s run the container with this image:

$ docker run -p 8090:8080 demo

Now, we can access the endpoint on localhost:8090/greet/ali


In this article, we saw how to deploy Spring Boot application using Docker using Dockerfile and Maven.